Additional Set Up for Career Interests and Objectives

In addition to the initial setup tasks, here are the other tasks that need to be completed to enable data in the Career Interests and Objectives side panel:

Career Interests and Objectives Product Requirements Additional Setup Tasks
Explore your career path Career Development

HR specialist task:

  • Define a job model profile from My Client Groups > Profiles > Model Profiles.
  • Add skills to the Skills Center content section of the job model profile. At a minimum, mark one or more skills as Required.
  • Define an employee’s career progression path using the Manage Jobs task in Setup and Maintenance. Note that you can create only one career progression path for a job role.
Skills Dynamic Skills

Employee task:

  • Choose skills that you already have or are developing for your current role. Click the Skills link or go to Me > Skills Center to choose these skills.
Learning topics Learning

Employee task:

  • Choose learning topic communities to follow. Click the Learning topics link, select the learning community you’re interested in and click the Follow icon. When an employee follows a learning community, they become a member of the community.
  • Or, you can also join a topic community from Learning. Go to Me > Learning, click Search and select the Learning type as Learning Community. Select a learning community you’re interested in, click Learn More and then click Join.
Careers of interest Career Development

Employee task:

  • Choose careers of your interest. To do so, click the Careers of interest link and search for careers in the Explore Careers page. When you find a career you’re interested in, click Add to Careers of Interest.
Gigs Opportunity Marketplace

Employee task:

  • Choose favorite gigs by clicking the Gigs link. Select a gig that you’re interested in, and click Add to Favorites from the Actions menu.
  • Or, you can search for gigs in Me > Opportunity Marketplace (use the Opportunity filter on the Explore tab) and add them as favorites from the Actions menu. The posting date of these gigs must be less than six months from the current date.
Jobs Opportunity Marketplace

Employee task:

  • Choose favorite jobs by clicking the Jobs link. Select a job that you’re interested in, and click Add to Favorites from the Actions menu.
  • Or, you can search for jobs in Me > Opportunity Marketplace (use the Opportunity filter on the Explore tab) and add them as favorites from the Actions menu. The posting date of these jobs must be less than six months from the current date.
Connections Connections

Administrator task:

To enable the favorite feature in Connections:

  • Grant the Access Career Growth by Worker privilege (HRD_ACCESS_CAREER_GROWTH_BY_WORKER_PRIV) to the employee role.

Employee task:

  • Add an employee as a favorite. Go to Me > Connections, search for the employee, and click the Favorite icon in their profile.
Note: These sections appear only if there's data to display and you have the required data security privilege and function security privilege in the products that generate this data.