Additional Set Up for Grow Your Career Tab

In addition to the initial setup tasks, here are the other tasks that need to be completed to enable data in the Grow Your Career tab:

Grow Your Career Product Requirements Additional Setup Tasks
Suggested learning for your careers of interest

Career Development, Learning

Optional: Opportunity Marketplace, Recruiting, Dynamic Skills

Employee task:

  • Choose your careers of interest. Click the Careers of interest link on the side panel in Grow and search for careers. When you find a career you’re interested in, click Add to Careers of Interest.

Administrator task:

  • Define a job model profile for the employee's career of interest from My Client Groups > Profiles > Model Profiles.
  • Add skills in the Skill Center section of the job model profile and mark those skills as Required.
  • Ensure that one or more of these required skills are present in the Learning Outcomes section of a learning item. For details on adding learning outcomes, see Related Topics.
Suggested learning for your skills


Optional: Opportunity Marketplace, Recruiting, Career Development

Administrator task:

  • Define a job model profile for the employee's current role from My Client Groups > Profiles > Model Profiles.
  • Add skills in the Skills Center content section and don’t mark them as Required. These optional skills will be considered for this feed.
  • Ensure that one or more of these skills are present in the Learning Outcomes section of a learning item. For details on adding learning outcomes, see Related Topics.
Learning based on your favorite gigs

Opportunity Marketplace, Dynamic Skills, Learning

Employee task:

  • Choose favorite gigs. Click the Gigs link on the side panel in Grow, select a gig that you’re interested in and click Add to Favorites from the Actions menu.

Administrator task:

  • Add skills to the favorite gigs. These skills must match the skills that aren't marked as Required in the job model profile for the employee’s role.
  • Ensure that one or more skills added to the favorite gigs are present in the Learning Outcomes section of a learning item.

For details on these tasks, see Related Topics.

Learning to prepare for your favorite jobs

Opportunity Marketplace, Dynamic Skills, Learning

Employee task:

  • Choose favorite jobs. Click the Jobs link on the side panel in Grow, select a job that you’re interested in and click Add to Favorites from the Actions menu.

Administrator task:

  • Add skills to the favorite jobs. The skills added to the job must match the skills that aren't marked as Required in the job model profile for the employee’s role.
  • Ensure that one or more skills added to the favorite jobs are present in the Learning Outcomes section of a learning item.

For details on these tasks, see Related Topics.

Popular in your careers of interest: Learning items Career Development, Learning
Employee task:
  • Choose your careers of interest. Click the Careers of interest link on the side panel in Grow and search for careers. When you find a career you’re interested in, click Add to Careers of Interest.

Administrator task:

Run the process, Recommend the Most Popular Learning, with the recommendation category as: Popular with others in your careers of interest. It's recommended to select the Recalculate recommendations check box as it considers the learning items completed over the past six months to generate recommendations. If you don't select this check box, the process considers learning completions over the past week to generate the recommendations.

It's recommended to run this process on a weekly basis.

If any learning items match the criteria specified in this process, those learning items appear here.

Or, you can recommend any learning item manually to have it appear in this feed. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Learning and select a learning item, Courses, for example.
  2. On the Courses page, select the course that you want to recommend.
  3. Click Learners from the side panel, and then select Recommendation from the Add Learners menu.
  4. Select the recommendation category as Popular with others in your careers of interest and click Next.
  5. Add the name of the employee and click Submit.

These steps trigger the Process Learning Recommendations job which creates the learning recommendation.

Popular in your careers of interest: Skills Career Development, Dynamic Skills

Administrator task:

  • Define a job model profile for the employee's career of interest from My Client Groups > Profiles > Model Profiles.
  • Add skills to the Skills Center content section of the job model profile. At a minimum, mark one or more skills as Required.
  • Enable the profile option ORA_HRT_AI_SKILLS_ASSISTANT.
Popular in your careers of interest: Gigs

Career Development, Opportunity Marketplace

Optional: Dynamic Skills

  • Trending gigs must exist for the employee’s career of interest. Gigs are included in the trending list if least five employees have applied to them or marked them as favorites. The posting date of the gig must be less than six months from the current date.
  • The skills defined in the Skill Center section of the job model profile of the career of interest must match the skills in the trending gig.
  • The trending gigs with the most number of skill matches appear first in the carousel. Trending gigs without matching skills appear last in the carousel.
Popular in your careers of interest: Jobs Career Development, Opportunity Marketplace, Recruiting
  • Trending jobs must exist for the employee’s career of interest. Jobs are included in the trending list if least five employees have applied to them or marked them as favorites. The posting date of the job must be less than six months from the current date.
  • The skills defined in the Skill Center section of the job model profile of the career of interest must match the skills in the trending job.
  • The trending jobs with the most number of skill matches appear first in the carousel. Trending jobs without matching skills appear last in the carousel.
Popular in your careers of interest: Development journeys Journeys
  • All global journeys of the Career Development category appear here.
Popular in your careers of interest: Connections

Connections, Learning

Optional: Opportunity Marketplace

  • Connections that are marked as favorites by others in the same job role as the employee’s career of interest appear here. If these connections have completed any career development activities such as learning or gigs, they appear here in the order of the most number of activities completed.
Note: These swim lanes appear only if there's data to display and you have the required data security privilege and function security privilege in the products that generate this data.