Create a Follow-Up Email for a Communication Campaign

After you have created and scheduled the primary email for the communication campaign, you can create one or multiple follow-up emails targeted to the entire audience or a subset of the audience based on the engagement with the primary email (opened emails, unopened emails, clicking a particular response in the case of a Get Response campaign).

When you create follow-up emails, the audience targeted is always based on the audience of the primary email (not the audience of the previous email that was sent).

Before you start

You need the Campaign Manager role.

Here's what to do

  1. In My Client Groups, click Communicate.
  2. On the Communicate page, open a communication campaign.
  3. Click the Content tab.
  4. Click the Add button and select Email.
  5. Enter a name for the follow-up email.
  6. Select a template. You can create your own email using a blank form. With a blank form, you can copy formatted text from an external source and paste it successfully into the email designer editor. You can also select a predefined email and use it as-is or personalize it using the email design editor.
  7. Select the audience. You can select the entire audience defined in the primary email, or you can select the audience who opened or not the primary email. For a Get Response communication campaigns, you can also the audience who provided a response or not.
  8. Click Save.


On clicking the Save button, the entered email information is saved and the email designer opens in a new browser tab. You can keep the content as is or, you can modify the content by adding and configuring elements such as paragraphs, images, headlines. When you position your cursor in an area of the template, menus appear to help you modify the template.