Create an SMS for a Communication Campaign

Create and send an SMS as part of a communication campaign. Use it to reach employees who don't have access to corporate emails.

Before you start

The campaign administrator needs to configure a messaging provider before you can create an SMS communication campaign. You need the campaign manager role.

Here's what to do

  1. In My Client Groups, click Communicate.
  2. On the Communicate page, open a communication campaign.
  3. Click the Content tab.
  4. Click the Add button and select SMS.
  5. Enter the details for the SMS:
    • SMS Name: displays to the campaign manager on the Content tab.
    • Link Types: select Token, HCM Link or Journey Link. The type of link you choose determines the link options you can select. Choose one of these options to embed into the SMS text:
      • Select Token to choose a token such as Employee First Name.
      • Select HCM Link to choose a predefined link to another HCM page.
      • Select Journey Link to choose a link to a specific journey.
    • Link Options: insert a link or token directly into the message.
    • SMS Text: enter the body of the message.
  6. Click Save.
  7. From the actions menu, select Schedule SMS.
  8. Choose whether you want to send the SMS straight away or schedule it in the future.
  9. Click Save and Close.

What to do next

After the SMS communication is sent, you can view specific delivery details by clicking on SMS Delivery Details on the actions menu in the Content tab. For example, find out who received the SMS and the delivery status, as well as other details such as work location and business unit.