Ongoing and One-time Campaigns

You can create either an ongoing or one-time communication campaign. A one-time campaign targets employees once based on certain criteria. An ongoing campaign targets employees on a recurring basis also based on certain criteria.

When you create a General or Get Response communication campaign, you decide whether you want to send out one communication only or whether you want to send out multiple communications to ensure you reach as many people as possible.

A one-time campaign can target employees who meet certain eligibility criteria. You set up an eligibility profile to define a condition, for example, a work location of New York. The campaign evaluates the employees in the organization against this condition and returns a list of employees who meets that condition. This list becomes the audience population of who receives the communication campaign. You can schedule the email communication to run now or in the future. After the primary email is sent out, the audience (based on the eligibility criteria) is frozen.

An ongoing campaign can target employees who meet a certain eligibility criteria and employees who become eligible after the campaign starts. This type of campaign means you can send communications to an expanding audience that meet certain eligibility criteria at a later point in time. You schedule a communication to either send straight away or send in the future. You also enter a date for when you want to stop sending this communication. The campaign runs and continues to send email communications to newly eligible employees until this date. It also continues to send follow-up emails until the final primary email is sent and the number of days after that you specify when setting up follow-ups.

When you schedule a follow-up asset for an ongoing campaign, you can specify how many days after the primary email that you want the employee to receive the follow-up. Depending on when employees meet the eligibility criteria, they can receive primary and follow-up emails on different dates. Employees that become newly eligible will receive the primary communication later than those employees who are eligible on the day the primary email is sent out. Therefore, the newly eligible employees then receive the follow-up email a certain number of days after the primary email.

A process runs daily to identify and target any new people who meet the criteria and haven't already been targeted by this campaign. This process runs for primary and follow up emails.