Understand Your Team Better

On the Touchpoints Summary page, you can view and analyze pulse trends over time for your direct reports, dotted-line reports, indirect reports, and your organization.

The term dotted-line reports is used in the context of a matrix manager's reports, while the term indirect reports is used in the context of a higher level manager's reports in the organization hierarchy.

To view the Touchpoints Summary page, go to My Team > Touchpoints.

You can compare the metrics on this page to gain a better understanding of the management efforts taken to improve employee engagement levels in your immediate hierarchy and in the rest of the organization.

You can also view:

  • Engagement analytics for your team and the rest of the organization
  • Individual employee pulse scores that need immediate attention
  • Touchpoints and Performance check-ins that are upcoming and overdue. Check-ins include one-time and recurring Touchpoints check-ins and Performance check-ins.
    • The Upcoming check-ins section displays the earliest check-in that’s coming up in the next 30 days. If an employee has two check-ins for two different assignments with the same manager, the earliest of those check-ins is displayed. The same applies to recurring check-ins too.
    • The Overdue check-ins section displays employees who don't have any check-ins scheduled in the past 30 days or in the future 30 days from the current date.
  • Status of check-ins for the current month
Note: Check-ins and other interaction analytics are displayed on this page only when check-ins are scheduled and completed, or feedback or celebratory messages are sent or received for your team members.

To view pulse trends for any team within your span of control, use the Switch Team button and select a manager’s name. A matrix manager can switch to a dotted-line report's team. If this report happens to be a matrix manager, data related to engagement metrics, pulse scores, and check-in statuses is displayed for that team as well. A manager can drill down to the furthest level in the matrix or direct line hierarchy. The organization hierarchy is displayed as breadcrumbs on the Switch team panel.

If there are multiple surveys assigned to your team, you can analyze pulse trends for a specific survey. To do this, use the survey switcher on the top of the page.

A few key points to consider about the analytics on this page:

  • The engagement analytics on the Summary page change according to the selected manager and their team of direct and dotted-line reports, if any.
  • The pulse score comparison graph for indirect reports appears only if the selected manager has indirect teams reporting to them.
  • The pulse score comparison graph displays pulse score averages for the survey selected in the survey switcher. To view the scores, the selected survey must be assigned to your team.
  • The period for which pulse score averages are displayed corresponds to the survey frequency and not on the analysis period configured in the survey:
    • If the survey frequency is daily, scores are displayed for the past 7 days from the current date.
    • If the survey frequency is weekly, scores are displayed for the past 6 weeks from the current week.
    • If the survey frequency is monthly, scores are displayed for the past 6 months from the current month.
    • If the survey frequency is yearly, scores are displayed for the past 6 years from the current year.
    • If the survey frequency is set to a specific frequency, scores are displayed for the past 18 periods from the current period.
    Note: The x-axis on the pulse score comparison chart shows the survey end date for each frequency.
  • The Schedule check-in link in the Overdue check-ins section doesn’t appear for indirect managers because they can schedule check-ins only with their direct and dotted-line reports.
  • A check-in is considered complete only if all discussion topics included in the check-in are marked as completed.
  • The Team pulse scores section displays the lowest pulse scores first.