Export and Import of Questionnaire Data

Streamline the mass upload of Questions, Questionnaire Templates, and Questionnaires by using HCM Data Loader and HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader. Import any type of questions within the questionnaire, including the response choices in choice-based questions.

Note: You can import images for questions and responses and import attachments for questionnaire information using HCM Data Loader.

You can create questionnaire objects or manage the existing ones. You can load data for Questions and Question Answer Responses by using the Question data file. You can create questionnaire templates and questionnaires including the sections, questions, and answers that are a part of the questionnaire.

You can load the translation data of these business objects by using the translation data files. To use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader in the Data Exchange work area, you need to first create a spreadsheet template, then upload it using the Load Spreadsheet Data task.