Set Up Sender Policy Framework (SPF)

If you send an email from Oracle Applications Cloud and want the email to use your domain, you must set up Sender Policy Framework (SPF).

Setting up the framework ensures that your domain is protected and your messages are delivered correctly. By updating the SPF record, you authorize the Oracle email servers to send emails on behalf of your domain. When the recipient receives your email, the SPF record of your domain is validated to determine if it's a valid email. Only after validation, your message is delivered.

To set up SPF, do these tasks:

  • Have your IT Administrator update your SPF record with this statement:
  • Validate your SPF record by using an SPF record checker tool. For example, you can use the SPF Surveyor tool to authenticate your domain.

    To use the SPF Surveyor tool, do these tasks:

    1. Go to

    2. Enter the domain you are using for the email, such as

    3. Click Survey domain.

      A message is displayed indicating the validation results.