Viewing Personal and Employment Information

Using multiple intents, you can view personal and other work-related information about yourself and your coworkers from the company directory.

Intended user: Employee

You can view these details about yourself and your coworkers:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Department
  • Work location
  • Job
  • Business title / assignments
  • Personal contact information
  • Representatives
  • Photo
  • Nickname
  • Manager name
  • Direct reports

In addition, you can view your emergency contact information, bank account details (payment method), and hire date, but not those of your coworkers.

Sample phrases and formats you can use:

  • Who is Ravi Chouhan?
  • Show Abdel Nour's contact information
  • How can others reach me?
  • I want to view my profile
  • My business contact details
  • How can I get to Manny's department?
  • How can I view the department of my directs?
  • Find my department
  • Get workers who report to Campbell Solis
  • Does Brian have anyone working for him?
  • Can I see my org chart?
  • Who are my reports?
  • Who are in my team?
  • Can you show me Daniel Smith work email address?
  • How can I view my email?
  • Show me my emergency contacts
  • Show my contacts info to me
  • Give me Sahil Kumar's assignment name
  • Show me what work I have been entrusted with
  • Can you show me my work assignments?
  • I would like to see my date of hire
  • How many years I have completed in this company?
  • I want to see Brady's job info
  • How can I view the job of my directs?
  • I am trying to get my job title
  • Show me Randell's location
  • Which office is Tarun Verma working from?
  • Can you show me my work address?
  • Which site am I working from?
  • Can you show my familiar name?
  • What's my moniker at work?
  • How can I view the assignment of my directs?
  • Where is Michele's photo in the application?
  • I want to see Olga's image
  • Where can I view my manager's photograph?
  • Show me my photo
  • Do I have a pic stored in the application?
  • Show me my bank account for salary credits
  • Does Cameron have HR services contact
  • Who is my HR Manager

Sample synonyms or words: phone, email ID, email, emergency number, display picture, first name, last name, moniker, location, job, contact information, assignment, job title, date of joining