Considerations to Configure Flow Connectors

To consolidate one or more payroll flows using flow pattern connectors, you configure flow connector options, such as connector status and connected flows.

Connector Status

Indicate whether you want the flow pattern to include payroll results generated by tasks in other flows or by tasks in the same flow.

This table lists the values you can select in the Connector Status field.

Connector Type

Used to Include Payroll Results

Best Practice

Task Flow

When a flow is marked as a task flow, it includes results from the tasks within the flow.

  • If flow connector rules aren't defined, all tasks within the flow pattern uses the process parameters, flow task sequence and flow interactions to identify the results to be included.
  • If flow connector rules are defined, the flow includes results from tasks within the flow plus results from any connected flows.

Select this option if you're using any of the options to combine flows, such as the flow connector.

Parameters Only

The flow automatically includes all results that meet the task parameters. Therefore, the flow connection feature can not add additional results.

Don't select this option if you're using any of the options to combine flows, such as the flow connector.
Note: If you add connector rules to a Parameters Only flow it essentially changes it's behavior to a task flow and it limits the results based on the connected flow rules.

Connector Name

Indicates the name used to identify the flow pattern for the purpose of flow connector rules. This field is defaulted to the name of your flow pattern.

Connected Flows

Select the connector name of each flow pattern you want to connect to your flow pattern. These connector rules are automatically applied each time you submit the flow.

Let's assume that your flow pattern includes all payment related tasks, such as prepayments and the EFT process. Use the connected flows option to identify the flow pattern you want to include in this payment flow, such as your QuickPay flow.

When you submit a flow task, the application automatically evaluates the connected flow rules. For example, each time you submit your payment flow, the application automatically includes all QuickPay run results from the connected flows. The payroll results from other flow patterns, such as your regular payroll flow, isn't included in your payment flow unless connector rules are defined.

Let's assume that you want your costing flow pattern to include all QuickPay and calculate payroll results. Use the connected flows option to connect your QuickPay flow pattern and your regular payroll run flow pattern to your costing flow. Each time you submit your costing flow, the application automatically includes the results from all QuickPay and calculate payroll run results from the connected flows.

You can connect the following types of flow patterns:

  • Predefined flow patterns, which are within the same LDG as your flow pattern.

  • User-defined flow patterns, which you have added to the lookup values.

  • Flow patterns, which have a status of active and hidden.


You can edit a flow pattern and the connected flows only if you have the required functional security to perform the tasks.

For example, to connect the QuickPay and Off-Cycle Payment flows, you must have security access for both flows. When submitting a flow, you need security access to the flow pattern that you're submitting.

Where Can I view My Flow Connector and Linked Flows

You can view your flow connector details on these pages.

  • Flow Submission Page

    The Connected Flows region on the Submit a Flow page displays the connector names associated with your flow pattern. Perform any updates to these rules on the Flow Pattern page. When submitting your flow, you can't add, delete, or edit the connector rules.

  • Checklist Page

    The Checklist page displays any linked flows that you have defined when you submitted the flow.

    This page displays flow connector values if the flow has actually consumed results at run time. You can use this information to troubleshoot any flow connector issues.