How Team Compliance is Evaluated

As a manager you need to ensure your team members comply with the six policies for the use of social media. Your team's compliance score is evaluated based on posts in various social media.

How Compliance is Evaluated

If team members have opted to have their social media posts monitored, here's what happens. A search is run to look for text strings that contain terms which aren't supposed to be used as per the social media use policy. It designates each match an issue.

What the Compliance Policy Evaluates

Your team members need to comply with these six policies for the use of social media:

  • No Profanity: Not post any content that uses profanity, on a blog or social media site.

  • Respect Confidentiality: Not disclose the company's confidential information, including financial and other corporate information that's not public.

  • Respect References: Recognize and respect others' intellectual property rights, including copyrights. Limited use of third-party materials.

  • Non-disparagement: Not post anything false, misleading, or embarrassing to another person or entity. Respect others' privacy.

  • Future Offerings: Not discuss product upgrades or future product releases.

  • Use Disclaimer: Make clear that opinions are their own and don't necessarily reflect the views of the company.

Team Compliance Scores

When you drill down to each employee's profile this is what you see:

  • Total number of posts and the number with issues (posts that violate a policy).

  • Any significant changes in the issues, for example, if the issues are rapidly falling or slowly improving.

  • Compliance data over different time periods such as last 7 days, month, quarter, or 180 days.