Automatic Conversion of Pending Workers

When you want to automatically convert pending workers, you can run the Convert Pending Workers Automatically process using available conversion criteria. HR specialists can run this process from the Scheduled Processes work area.

If you don't select any criteria, then all conversion criteria will be selected by default.



Conversion Date

Enter the conversion date. The conversion date can be the same as the proposed start date of the pending worker, or number of days before or after this date.

Proposed Worker Type

Select if the conversion is to contingent worker or employee. If you have both then run separate instances for each type.


Select the country for automatically converting pending workers.

Legal Employer

Select the legal employer for automatically converting pending workers.

Business Unit

Select the business unit for automatically converting pending workers.


Select the department for automatically converting pending workers.


Select the location for automatically converting pending workers.

Let's look at how you can use the conversion criteria in the process.



InFusion enterprise has pending workers spread across legal employers in different time zones. The pending workers must be converted at the beginning of the proposed start date.

  • Schedule the process separately for each legal employer that’s in a different time zone.

InFusion has many pending workers of the type Employee and rarely pending workers of the type Contingent Worker.

  • Schedule two instances of the process, one for the employee worker type, and the other for the contingent worker type.

InFusion has many pending workers in some locations, business units, or legal employers, and very few in others.

  • Schedule two instances of the process: one that runs daily for the selected location, business unit and legal employer with many pending worker; another that runs on a periodic basis for the selected location, business unit, and legal employer with few pending workers.