Change Publish Date for Document Records

You can modify the publish date for existing document records from the Document Records page.

Here are some points to consider when you modify the publish date:
  • When you add a document record, the Publish Date field is displayed as a required field only when the Publish Required option is set to Yes on the Create Document Type setup page.
  • When you view a document record, the Publish Date field is displayed as a read-only field only if the field has a non-null value.
  • When you edit a document record, the following conditions apply:
    • You can change the publish date only when the Publish Required option is set to Yes.
    • You can select any date.
    • If you change the publish date to later than the current date (including a current null value), then a warning message is displayed which states that the document record won’t be displayed on the UI until the changed publish date is reached. If you click OK in the message, the application will use the modified date. However, if you click Cancel, the application reverts the modified publish date to the existing date.
  • If the publish date is in the future, the document record won't display on the user interface until that date. However, you can view document records with a future publish date if you have the required privilege.
  • You can update the publish date using REST or HCM Data Loader.
  • By default, the application will not validate if the publish date is after the current date. You can enable the seeded Validate Document Record Publish Date is After Current Date autocomplete rule if you need this validation.