Examples of Person Records

Multiple people may be able to manage a person record, including human resource (HR) specialists in any of the person's legal employers and the person to whom the record belongs.

The first of the following examples show how multiple people can manage the person record sequentially; the second shows how multiple people can manage the person record simultaneously.

Updating the Person Record After a Break in Service

Miguel is an ex-employee of legal employer A in the United States. Today, Miguel starts a contingent workerwork relationship with legal employer B in Brazil, where you're the HR specialist.

Miguel has a person record and two work relationships. His employee work relationship with legal employer A is terminated; therefore he's an ex-employee. His contingent worker work relationship with legal employer B is current; therefore he's a contingent worker.

When you attempt to add Miguel as a contingent worker, the application finds his existing person record; therefore, you need only to create the contingent worker work relationship. You also update his person record as follows:


Action Item

Miguel is married

Do the following:

  • Enter his new marital status in the country information for Brazil

  • Update his marital status in the US country information.

Miguel has a new emergency contact

Replace his previous emergency contact by doing the following:

  • End date the previous contact relationship.

  • Create a new one.

Contact relationship information is date-effective, which means you can retrieve his previous addresses if necessary.

Miguel's address

Update his addresses. Address information is date-effective, which means you can retrieve his previous addresses if necessary.

Miguel's national ID(s)

Add his Brazilian national ID, therefore the person record now holds two national IDs.

Miguel's local name

As Miguel is living and working in Brazil, you enter a local name using the Brazilian name format.

Miguel can review some of the information in his person record from the Personal Information work area; he can also correct some information, such as his address, if necessary.

You have no access to legal employer A so you can't see Miguel's work relationship with legal employer A. If you need more information about his previous work relationship, you must ask Miguel or his previous line manager to share this information with you.

Managing the Person Record When Multiple Active Work Relationships Exist

Marie is French but lives in London, where she has an employee work relationship with legal employer A. She also has a contingent worker work relationship with legal employer B in France. Marie has two contact relationships.

A figure that illustrates Marie's multiple work relationships. Marie has an employee work relationship with legal employer A, a contingent worker work relationship with legal employer B, a dependent, and an emergency contact.

As the HR specialist for legal employer A, you manage Marie's employee work relationship. The HR specialist for legal employer B manages her contingent worker work relationship. You can both manage all components of Marie's person record. In addition, Marie can edit the following details in the Personal Information work area:

  • Marital status and name

  • Addresses

  • Contacts

  • Document records

  • Phone numbers

  • Email addresses

  • Other communication methods

  • Communication methods order of preference

A typical selection of updates to Marie's person record is as follows:

  • Marie manages her own contacts and benefits information.

    • She names her son as a dependent and her husband as an emergency contact.

  • Marie manages her home address, which is also her primary mailing address.

    • The enterprise has defined the address type Local Overseas.

    • The HR specialist for legal employer B enters a Local Overseas address for Marie in France.

  • The HR specialist in legal employer B enters a local name for Marie in French.

  • You enter details of Marie's UK driver's license. The HR specialist in France enters details of Marie's French driver's license and her passport. Marie can review and update this information.

  • You enter Marie's UK national ID, and the HR specialist in France enters her French national ID.

  • Both UK and French versions of Marie's marital status exist in her person record. When Marie's marital status changes, she edits both versions.

Any HR specialist who manages Marie's person record can view, and edit any of this information.