Parent Position Isn’t Defaulted for Professional Users

In the Request a New Position process and the Create Position page, the parent position is defaulted to the parent position of the currently logged in user.

This helps managers as they often create a position in their team. A line manager requests a new position from the My Team tab. In the Position details step of the process, the parent position is defaulted from the logged-in user.

For the professional user, it's less likely that the new position is within their own team. So the parent position isn’t defaulted in the Request a New Position process if it’s opened from the My Client Groups tab. The parent position is blank, and you need to select a value from the drop-down list.

Similarly, when a professional user creates a new position from the Positions quick action, the parent position isn’t defaulted. In the New Position page, the parent position is blank, and it’s not defaulted to the parent position of the currently logged in user. You need to select the parent position from the drop-down list.