View Details of Associated Profiles on Job or Position Pages in Redwood

On the read-only, create, and edit pages for jobs and positions in Redwood, you can see a read-only view of all the associated profiles. You can view all the profile details without leaving the job or position page.

This feature is available only in the Redwood job and position pages.

The Associated Profiles section of the job or position page shows all the profiles associated with a job or position. For each of the associated profiles, an individual Profile details link is displayed. When you click the link for an associated profile, a panel drawer opens, showing the entire details for that particular associated profile.

Note: The Associated Profiles read-only section appears in the view, create, and edit pages for jobs and positions. If you add an associated profile to this section while creating or editing a job or position, the Profile details link for the profile that you’re adding will appear only after you click the Save button for that profile.