What happens if I reassign a responsibility?

The responsibility you reassign is immediately visible in the assignment record of the person to whom it's reassigned. The From Date of the responsibility is the current date, and there's no To Date.

The scope of the responsibility remains the same. The change is visible in the Work Contacts list of affected people when the records are next viewed.

The assigned responsibility of the person from whom the responsibility is being removed, will be end dated effective immediately. So, the existing To Date becomes the current system date.

If you are reassigning a responsibility that was created from a Responsibility Template with an end date (same as template or modified), then after it's reassigned from one person to another, the end date will take on the end date of the associated Responsibility Template. It'll not necessarily be the end date from the person-level responsibility.

If you're reassigning an autoprovisioned responsibility that was created and assigned because the original person matches the template criteria, then after the responsibility is reassigned to someone else (that doesn't match criteria), it's no longer considered autoprovisioned. So, you'll see the reassigned responsibility appear as a directly-assigned responsibility. You'll then have to manually remove this assignment from the Responsibility Templete, when the time comes.

Can I reassign an inactive responsibility?

You can reassign future-dated, inactive responsibilities, but you won't be able to reassign past-dated, inactive responsibilities.