What's the difference between the Change Manager and Direct Reports functionality?

You use the Change Manager flow to change the manager for a worker and the Direct Reports flow to reassign existing reports or add direct reports for a manager.

For example, Rahul is the line manager for Jennifer and Vijay, and project manager for Stacey. At the same time, Terry is the project manager for Vijay. You use the Change Manager flow if you want to change Vijay's line manager and project manager, based on requirements. This flow will be launched for Vijay (employee) and the change in supervisors will result in a change in Vijay's assignment data.

On the other hand, if you want to reassign Rahul's direct reports (Jennifer, Vijay, and Stacey) to another manager, you would use the Direct Reports flow. This flow will be launched for Rahul (supervisor) and the changes in supervisors (line manager or project manager) will result in change of assignment data for his directs (Jennifer, Vijay, and Stacey).