Types of Variables

Formula variables can have values that change frequently. The variable's data type indicates the type of information the variable holds. The fast formula determines how you can use the variable.

For example, if you set a variable to 'J. Smith', the fast formula interprets it as a TEXT variable. The application displays a warning if you try to perform any inconsistent operations, such as trying to add a number to a text string.

Variables can be of the following types:

  • Input variables appear in INPUTS statements and bring values into a fast formula.

  • Output variables appear in RETURN statements and return values from a fast formula. A variable can be both an input and output.

  • Local variables are only used within one fast formula.

You can change variable values by using an assignment statement and by referencing them within expressions. However, if you reference a variable to which you didn't assign a value, the fast formula returns an error.