Business Requirements

Some features, such as File ID and Position ID don't require any specific data set up or configuration.

Paid and Nonpaid Employee

The application extracts both employee categories in the same file. However, the required attributes have certain limitations.

This table describes these employee categories

Employee Category


Paid Employee

Configured with payroll relationship and element mapping. The extraction passes the element entry values and payment details. Such details are used in third-party payroll system for processing and making payment.

Nonpaid Employee

The cloud HR application maintains nonpaid employees by assigning them to a payroll relationship. However, the application doesn't maintain the Compensation, Statutory, and Bank related details.

File ID

Each employee has a unique File ID for their employment record. The application stores this information in the Assignment Number field too. You can store the File ID into the person number. In this scenario, the application automatically generates the Assignment Number and also restricts the field as non-editable. Use the File ID to derive the position ID.

Scenario 1

If you enter File ID in the Person Number field, the application automatically adds Employee Type with Person Number and generates the Assignment Number.

Scenario 2

When you enter File ID in the Assignment Number field, don't begin the entry with alphabets. The application supports multiple assignments

Position ID

The Position ID is a unique 9 character attribute. The combination of Company Code and File ID derives the Position ID. Note: The Position ID is derived from File ID.

You can identify the File ID in two ways

  • If Assignment Number doesn't start with alphabets, consider the File ID from the Assignment Number field

  • If the Assignment Number field start with alphabets, consider the Person Number as File ID.

The first 3 positions is Company Code and the next 6 positions is File ID.

  • Position 1 to 3 => Company Code (Say 'T24')

  • Position 4 to 9 => File ID (say 786, if the file ID is less than 6 digit, then pad with leading zeros)

  • Position 10 => 'N' if the assignment status is Active- no payroll else blank.

The derived Position ID is T24000786N.

The application derives the Position ID from the Company Code, Assignment Number, and Assignment Status during extraction. If Assignment Status = Active-No Payroll, the application doesn't either display or store the Position ID.

Element Mapping

The application maps elements that are based on the standard element template delivered for US localization. Consider these points while you create elements:

  • Add the additional input value to attach the goal limit and goal number to the deduction element.

  • Enter the element name to extract to the third-party payroll supplier in the Reporting Name field.

Element Eligibility and Input Values

Create and provide these input values for each deduction element while you define a deduction element.

Input Value


Deduction value

  • Identify whether the element is deducting a flat amount or percentage.

  • Use this input value to track the amount of the deduction.

  • For this input value, set the special purpose field as Primary Input Value.

Third-Party Goal Limit

  • Define values for each of the Goal Limit associated WFN deduction codes.

  • This input value is optional for deduction element.

Third-Party Goal Number

  • Define values for each of the Goal Number associated WFN deduction codes.

  • This input value is optional for deduction element.