Data Validation Rules

You can find two different types of data validation rules implementation and the relevance of these rules at different stages of this integration with ADP Global Payroll. These rules ensure data quality and completeness to avoid cycles of data processing and error correction.

The required HCM Experience Design Studio validation rules are defined for each country for which the ADP Global Payroll integration is being set up. For more information about the detailed rules grouped by country, refer the Validation Rules topic.

This table summarizes the significance of these rules at different stages:


What You Can Do

HCM Experience Design Studio Rules

Payload Rules



Create the new-hire in real-time in ADP Global Payroll with the new-hire data captured in Oracle HCM Cloud.

Use HCM Experience Design Studio to configure rules that are impacted during data capture in HCM Cloud. These rules are applied for data captured using application pages, REST APIs, or HCM Data Loader methods.

Configure payload rules when the new-hire data is extracted and a payload is to be sent to ADP. If an attribute is marked as Mandatory, the new-hire payload will be sent to ADP only when this required attribute has a value captured for the new-hire.

SSN is a required attribute for US employees.

  • Configure HCM Experience Design Studio rules to capture data.

  • Configure payload rules to include SSN data in the payload.

Payroll Processing

Update the employee details applied during the payroll processing. Data is captured during an event like transfer, termination, and so on in Oracle HCM Cloud. The application sends this captured data periodically to ADP Global Payroll using HCM Extracts.

You can't implement data capture rules for updates to employee data using HCM Experience Design Studio. But the implementation project team can design auto-complete validation rules based on specific requirements.

Note: Rules defined for the new-hire process will still be effective for any changes to the employee data.

Configure these rules to be applied when HCM Extracts run generates the batch feed to be sent to ADP Global Payroll for payroll processing. If an attribute is marked as Required but isn't present for an employee, this employee data won't be sent to ADP Global Payroll.

Bank account details of the employee are required for payroll processing.

  • Configure payload rules to include bank account information in the payload sent to ADP Global Payroll.

  • Configure payload rules to include or exclude specific attributes of an object. For example, you can exclude priority data from the payload.

Activate a Sandbox

Activate a sandbox to define the Oracle Payroll Connect integration-specific validation rules using HCM Experience Design Studio. For more information about the instructions to define the sandbox, refer to Oracle Learning Library.

Configure Autocomplete Validation Rules

HCM Experience Design Studio allows configuration of validation rules that are specific to your implementation and that aren't delivered by Oracle HCM Cloud. You can configure validation rules for a flow, like new-hire data capture flow to validate new-hire data in real-time. For example, you can configure a rule to capture the e-mail address of the new-hire when the new-hire data is entered in Oracle HCM Cloud. Implement these validation rules using the Auto-complete feature in the HCM Experience Design Studio. These rules are effective for all methods of data entry.

Note: Create a Service Request with Oracle Support to request this feature and provide the Account Name and the business requirement.

This table provides an example for each of the rule patterns to set up the integration with ADP Global Payroll.

Pattern Code

Pattern Name

What You Do

Pseudo Code



When an attribute is a mandatory requirement, configure this validation rule by adding conditions using the attributes available in a VO. For example, you can add conditions for a legal employer or a country.

IF (Gender is null) THEN
   IF (Country IN ['CA','GB','IN','MX','US']) THEN
     ShowError('Gender is required');
   END IF;


Length Validation

When the value entered for an attribute should not be more than a specified number of characters, configure this validation rule.

IF (LastName isn't null) THEN
   length := LengthOf(LastName);
   IF (length > 40) THEN
      ShowError('Last Name cannot have more than 40 characters');


Mandatory + Length Validation

When an attribute is mandatory and the value entered should not be more than a specified number of characters, configure this validation rule.

IF (AddressLine2 isn't null) THEN
   length := LengthOf(AddressLine2);
   IF (length > 40) THEN
      ShowError('Address Line 2 cannot have more than 40 characters');
   IF (Country IN ['MX']) THEN
      ShowError('Address Line 2 is required');

For more information about creating the validation rules, refer to Oracle Learning Library.

Configure Payload Rules

Select data components and attributes for both real-time and HCM extracts batch mode integration to configure Oracle HCM Cloud data integrated with ADP Global Payroll.

Here's what you can do,

  • Choose the payload content for both real-time and batch processing flows, and also the mandatory and optional attributes that are applied for both flows.

  • Include or exclude specific data elements for a given entity. For example, you can exclude Preferred Name from the payload, if it isn't required or consumed for processing payroll in ADP Global Payroll.

  • Define available filters to include specific data in the payload. For example, you can select Home Address to be excluded from the payload to ADP Global Payroll.

Define the payload rules to select the objects and their attributes in a payload that you want to send to ADP Global Payroll. The source template, the HCM Extracts template, defines the objects and their attributes that are available for your selection. The Legislative Data Group associated with these rules defines and includes the legislation-specific content in the payload.

Use the Payload Rules task under HCM Extracts to perform these tasks:

  • Include or exclude an object from the payload for real-time flow and batch processing flow

  • Identify mandatory attributes for objects that are included

  • Identify available filters for objects that are included in the payload

The Payload Rules page lists all the available rules defined in the application. You can also create a rule set for an LDG.

Here's how you create a rule set:

  1. Click Add on the Payload Rules page.

  2. Provide a name for the payload rule set. This name gets associated with the payroll on the Payroll Integrations page.

  3. Choose a legislative data group for which the rules are defined.

  4. Select the template that lists the objects and attributes for Payroll Interface for ADP Global Payroll. When the template is loaded, you find a list of default objects and attributes that are available in the template.

  5. You can find the Business Objects in the left pane and the Attributes for the selected objects in the right pane.

    • Business Objects: You can select the business objects to be included in the data that you send to ADP using different methods of data feed to ADP Global Payroll.

      • Real-time payload: The application sends the objects that you select to be included in the real-time payload to create the new-hire data in ADP Global Payroll. ADP Global Payroll requires these objects to establish the new-hire record in their application. Once you select the objects for real-time payload, the objects are automatically included in the batch payload (HCM Extracts) and you can't deselect later.

      • Batch payload: The application sends the objects that you select to be included in the HCM Extracts to ADP Global Payroll. ADP Global Payroll requires these objects for successful payroll processing of the employees in payroll. You can select the objects to be included only in the batch payload, and excluded from the real-time payload.

      Note: The best approach is to maintain the real-time payload to a minimum so that the data capture in HCM Cloud is optimized with minimum validation rules. This approach results in a successful integration with ADP Global Payroll with the new-hire created at the earliest.
    • Attributes: Select the attributes that are available in each business object and mark the mandatory attributes as Required. The integration process delays the data from being sent to the ADP Global Payroll until the attributes that are marked as Required are available. If you don't select an attribute to be Required, the data is sent to ADP Global Payroll even if the attribute has no value. You can also include attributes in your payload by selecting the Include check-box.

    • Filter Criteria: You can select specific types of an entity or object to be sent in the payload, where filter criteria are listed. For example, you can select Home Address which will only include home address in the payload sent to ADP Global Payroll.

  6. Click Save.

Associate Payload Rules to Payroll and Payload Generation

You can associate the defined payload rules with the payroll and use this association from the Payroll Details section of the Add Payroll Integration page.