Compare Users

You can compare users to identify their access permissions and assign the missing permissions as required. This comparison includes both direct and inherited roles. From the results, you can find out if there are any discrepancies in roles.

Users with the following privileges can compare users:

  • Create User Account (ASE_CREATE_USER_ACCOUNT_PRIV)
  • Edit User Account (ASE_EDIT_USER_ACCOUNT_PRIV)
  • View User Account (ASE_VIEW_USER_ACCOUNT_PRIV)
  • Delete User Account (ASE_DELETE_USER_ACCOUNT_PRIV)
  • Lock and Unlock User Account (ASE_LOCK_UNLOCK_USER_PRIV)
  • Update Password for User Account (ASE_UPDATE_PASSWORD_FOR_USER_PRIV)

On the User Accounts page, you can compare users in two different ways:

  • Use the Compare Users button.

  • Search for a user and then click Compare Users from the Actions menu of that user.

Follow these steps:

  1. On the Security Console, click Users.

  2. Click Compare Users.

  3. Search for and select both users one after another.

  4. Click Compare. All the details of both the users are displayed.

In the comparison results, you can do the following actions:

  • Click one of the Show options to view the corresponding details in the results.

  • Click the Query By Example icon to enter the name of a specific role that you want to see from the search results.

You can then use the Export to Excel option to export the filtered search results.