Manager Type in Person Security Profiles

When you secure person records by manager hierarchy, the security profile's data instance set includes person records from manager hierarchies of the specified types. You select a Manager Type value when you perform the Manage Person Security Profile task.

This table describes the Manager Type values.

Manager Type



The security profile includes all types of manager hierarchies.

Line Manager

The security profile includes only the line manager hierarchy.


The security profile includes only the specified type of manager hierarchy.

Typically, you select Line Manager for line managers, Project Manager for project managers, and so on. If you select All, then users with the line manager job role, for example, have line-manager access to all of their manager hierarchies. Avoid selecting All if this level of access isn't required.

Manager Job Roles

Manager job roles other than line manager aren't predefined. Creating job roles for managers such as project managers and resource managers is a security configuration task. Once those roles exist, you can assign security profiles to them either directly or by creating a separate HCM data role. Users with those roles can then access their manager hierarchies by selecting Navigator > My Team, for example.