
You can mask bank account information to prevent display of sensitive information on the following payroll reports.

  • Payslips

  • Payment Register

  • Third-Party Payment Register

Masking enables display of only a few specific characters of the account number or IBAN number, usually characters at the start or end of the number. The remaining characters are obfuscated and you can't see them on the reports. For example, you may decide to display only the last four characters of the account number. In such cases, an account number ABC123456 displays as XXXXX3456 in reports that support masked account numbers.

Use the new Extract Unmasked Bank Information process configuration parameter to display either the masked or full bank account numbers in the reports. By default or when set to No, the bank account information on the reports is masked. Set it to Yes to see the unmasked bank account information. For example, if you mail a copy of the Third-Party Payment Register to the payee, you may want to mask the sensitive bank account information. If the same report is shared securely within the Payroll Department to verify the bank account details, you may run the report with the process configuration parameter set to Yes.

This table shows how the bank account number ABC123456 is stored in the application tables depending on how you configure masking.

Actual Account Number

Masking Enabled

Masked Number







Note: The above table assumes that the masking setup displays only the last four characters of the bank account number.