Element Results Register

The Element Results Register lists the elements and their primary output for processes that generate run results, such as the Calculate Payroll and Calculate Gross Earnings tasks.

To generate the report, submit the Run Element Results Register flow on the Submit a Flow page. Use Submit a Flow under My Client Groups > Payroll on your Home page.

Totals by Element and Person

After you run the report, use the pivot table feature in Microsoft Excel to obtain totals by element and person. For example, complete these steps to create a pivot table that displays these totals:

  1. Open the Element Results Register in Microsoft Excel.

  2. Select the range of cells in the spreadsheet that contain data.

  3. Click PivotTable from the Insert menu.

  4. In the Create Pivot Table dialog, select New Worksheet. Click OK.

  5. Click these fields from the Pivot Table Field List:

    • Person Name

    • Payroll Statutory Unit

    • Tax Reporting Unit

    • Payroll

    • Run Type

    • Element Name

    • Value

  6. Drag the fields to these areas:



    Report Filter

    Payroll Statutory Unit, Tax Reporting Unit, Run Type, Payroll

    Column Labels

    Element Name

    Row Labels

    Person Name


    Sum of Value

  7. Refresh the page to display the populated columns and rows, and the summed totals.

  8. Filter to view different results.