Generate Online Payslips in the Worker's Correspondence Language

Run the Generate Payslips process and generate individual payslips in the worker's correspondence language of choice. Generate the payslips in different languages depending on what's set as the worker's correspondence language.

For example, if you have workers who have set their language of correspondence as Simplified Chinese, you can now generate their payslips in Simplified Chinese.

Here are the tasks you must perform to generate the payslips in the worker's correspondence language of choice.

  1. Enable payslip translation

    Set the process configuration parameter, Enable Payslip Translation, to 'Y', before running the Payroll Archive process. Set this parameter only once, so that the application translates the data the Payroll Archive process archives for the payslip.

    Run the Archive Periodic Payroll Results task from the Payroll Checklist work area. Run this process after the payroll calculation is complete.

    If you have run the Payroll Archive before setting this parameter, roll back the process, set the Enable Payslip Translation parameter to 'Y', and rerun the Payroll Archive process.

  2. Install the worker's correspondence language

    Although the worker sets their correspondence language to one of several languages, the application supports only the installed languages for translation. Hence, to generate the payslip, you must install every preferred correspondence language on the environment. If the correspondence language is not one of the installed languages, the Payslip is produced in the base language.

    For this example, ensure that Spanish is an installed language on the environment.

  3. If you haven't set up the correspondence language for your worker, the payslip will be generated in the user's default language for the payslip content. For the payslip template, the payslip is always generated in English. If you want to change the template language to a different language, you must override the product-level delivery options at LDG level by specifying the locale, which is a delivery option parameter. For Simplified Chinese, you can specify the locale value as zh-CN.