Overview of Online Payslip

A payslip is a printable record of a payment made to an employee during a payroll pay period or as a bonus or commission payment.

It includes details of the payment, such as employee and employer information, pay period, earnings, deductions and accruals, and net pay distribution details.

Use these two predefined templates to configure your custom payslip template to include your specific statutory requirements:

  • Payslip Main Template

  • Payslip Sub Template

For more information, refer to 'Configure the Payslip Report Template' topic in the Help Center.

After you configure the payslip template, and before you generate the payslips, consider the following.


Where to find more information

Generate the worker's payslips in a language of their choice depending on what's set as the workers correspondence language.

Refer to these topics in the Help Center:

  • Multilanguage Support for Payslips

  • Generate Payslips in the Worker's Correspondence Language

  • Add Bursting to Print Delivery Option

Mask or encrypt bank account information to prevent display of sensitive information.

Refer to 'How Account Number Masking in Payroll Reports Work' in the Help Center.

Set the precision value for the number of decimal places for the rates displayed on the payslip.

Refer to 'Rate Precision in Payslips' in the Help Center.

Add text and input values to payslips.

Refer to 'How to Add Text to Payslips and Checks' and 'Examples of Input Values for Payslip and Check Text' in the Help Center.

The Generate Payslips process is run more than once each payroll period and it generates the payslip XMLs based on the payroll archive and prepayments data. The application creates the payslip PDFs and stores them in the Document of Records for future reference and retrieval.