Report Payment and Nonpayment Balances

When you process a reversal or balance adjustment, you decide whether to include or exclude the balances from the payment. When you submit a report that includes the Balances Reported parameter, your selection determines which balances to display.

Select Nonpayment Only or Payment Only options, or leave the parameter blank to display both payment and nonpayment balances. The Payroll Activity, Payroll Register includes the Balances Reported parameter.

When you submit the report, you can optionally specify the Scope and Report YTD Summary parameters. These parameters determine how the balances are reported and whether you can select a value for the Balances Reported parameter, as shown in this table.

Report Parameter

Parameter Value

Report Results



Total includes payment and nonpayment balances



Include in Payment report section lists payment and nonpayment balance details

Report YTD Summary

No or blank value

Balances are based on the value selected for the Balances Reported parameter

Report YTD Summary


Report lists payment and nonpayment balance information

Balances reported parameter values aren't available for selection