e-IWO Audit Report

The e-IWO Audit Report is a downloadable Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that provides detailed info about your most recent Electronic Income Withholding Order (e-IWO) inbound file processing.

If you processed multiple inbound files, this report includes results for all files, sorted by file name.

This file is generated automatically upon successful completion of:

  • e-IWO Process flow

  • e-IWO Inbound Audit Report flow

Report Worksheets

The Audit Report Microsoft Excel spreadsheet contains the following worksheets.


What it does

e-IWO Summary

Provides the following summaries.

  • Validation summary

    Displays orders by status.

    • Number of received records

      Total number of orders successfully uploaded into the e-IWO storage tables.

    • Number of rejected orders

      Orders that failed Office of Child Support Services (OCSS) validation and have INVALID status.

    • Number of failed or unprocessed orders

      Orders with NULL or FAILED status.

    • Number orders validated

      Orders with VALID status.

  • Loader summary

    Includes the following loader results.

    • Number of orders loaded successfully

      Status: SUCCESS

    • Number of orders failed or not processed

      Status: FAILED or NULL

Audit Report

List of valid orders that were successfully transferred into the calculation card. These orders have the following statuses in the e-IWO storage tables.

  • e-IWO Order Status: VALID

  • Loader Order Status: SUCCESS

For persons with multiple orders, each order appears as a separate line.

Exception Report

List of orders given INVALID or FAILED status by the validation flow.

In cases where an order has multiple errors, the first error displays in the Rejection Code and Rejection Message columns. The additional codes display in the e-IWO Additional Rejection Code column.