How Involuntary Deductions Are Calculated Based on Earnings Configuration

During Earnings element definition, you specify how to process and pay it. The settings you choose affect how the payroll process calculates involuntary deductions.

Settings That Affect How the Payroll Run Processes the Deduction

The element template has you choose how the payroll run processes and pays your Earnings elements. What you select here can affect how the payroll process handles any related involuntary deductions.

If you select this for your Earnings element

This is how the payroll process handles involuntary deductions

Process and pay with other earnings

Deducts the order amount and applicable fees from the regular process run.

Process separately, but pay with other earnings

Deducts the order amount from the regular process only. The process deducts the order amount again during a separate run if the order amount wasn't fully satisfied in the regular run.

If you entered the order amount override as a rate, the process deducts the amount from both the regular and process separate runs. It deducts applicable fees from the regular process only.

Process separately and pay separately

Not recommended for earnings that are subject to involuntary deductions.