Terminate an Employee for Kuwait

Terminate the work relationship of an employee at the end of employment period. An employee termination impacts calculation and reporting. Following are the effects of terminating an employee:

  • Social insurance isn't processed for the month of termination.

  • If the employee is eligible, gratuity payment is generated automatically.

Termination of an employee involves these steps:

  1. Terminating a work relationship

  2. Creating Employee Gratuity Details calculation card

Terminate a Work Relationship

HR specialists terminate the work relationships of employees to whom they have security access.

To terminate a work relationship:

  1. In the Person Management work area, select the Manage Work Relationship task.

  2. On the Manage Work Relationship page, from the Actions menu, select Terminate.

  3. On the Terminate Work Relationship page, enter the termination details including the termination reason.

    Note: Based on your selection in the Termination Action field, the values in the Termination Reason field are available.
  4. Click Review and then click Submit.