Edit the Employee Tax Card Calculation Card for Mexico

This topic demonstrates how you can modify the Employee Tax Card calculation card that was automatically generated during a new hire process. For example, you can modify the employee card to reflect employee-specific values that are different from the default values.

For example, the employee, Rosa Lopez is exempt from employer state tax.

Before You Begin

Before you begin, confirm that:

  • The new hire process for Rosa Lopez is completed and a TRU was selected on the Hire an Employee: Employment Information page.

  • The employee has a payroll relationship and is assigned to a payroll.

  • A calculation card definition that includes the federal tax calculation exists at the legislative level.

How to Open the Calculation Card

  1. Select Calculation Cards from Payroll in My Client Groups.

  2. Enter Rosa Lopez in the Search.

  3. Select the employee from the list of suggestions. Any available calculation cards appear in the Search Results.
  4. Click the Employee Tax Card calculation card that was automatically created for this payroll relationship.

    On the Employee Tax Card page, you can view the component groups associated with this calculation card. In this example, you can see the Taxes and Social Security component groups.

How to Edit the Taxes Components

  1. Expand the Taxes region.

  2. The information you can edit is the Employee ISR Tax information.

  3. Click on the pencil icon to edit.

  4. Select Yes from the list of values for State Tax Exempt.

  5. Click Save and Close.

How to Create a Tax Reporting Unit Association

The employee has transferred to a different TRU, inFusion2 and you must associate the new TRU with the existing tax card.

  1. Expand the Associations region.

  2. Click the pencil icon to edit the Association Details.

  3. Click Delete and choose End Date and enter the date of the last day the employee is in the TRU.

  4. In the Associations region, enter the start date for the new TRU and select InFusion2 in the Tax Reporting Unit field.

  5. Select the Add icon to create a new Association Detail. Enter the same start date you entered for the Association and select the assignment.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    Note: You must save the association before you can create association details.