QuickPay Standard Entries Summary

You can view the Standard Entries Summary page from the QuickPay Summary page. The Standard Entries page displays the standard entries that are assigned to an employee.

The page has a summary region from where you can drill down to the details section.

Summary Region

The summary region displays all the summarized entry values applicable to an element across the entire payroll period for the date you enter in the search. The region displays a maximum of five elements. Use the Show More button to view additional entries.

To see additional information pertaining to an entry value and costing, click on the element name and this displays additional information within a detail region. The element name is read-only as this is the link to the detail page.

  • Edit the values on the summary region and update, correct, end date or delete costing information using the Actions menu.

  • Use the Include or Exclude check box at the header level to include or exclude an entry in the QuickPay calculations.

  • Hover over a name to view additional information regarding the field name or value. For example, if you hover over the amount value, you can view the unit of measurement of the amount.

Detail Region

A detail region displays detailed information for the entry you selected in the summary region. The detail region displays detailed information including entry values, the source of an element, whether it has been processed, costing information, and history.

  • You can see all the entries within the detail page and be able to minimize or maximize each one. You don't have to go back to the summary to select a different entry to view. This enables you to compare entries within a single page.

  • If you select a row in the summary region, the Additional Details Input Values region in the detail region displays the input values for the record.

  • The Element Entry Information region displays information about the element entry. For instance, how it was created, is it a retroactive entry, assignment number, and so on.

  • The Costing Information region displays the costing information for an element entry. By default the costing segments should be minimized when opening the detail region for the standard entry. This region can be collapsed and opened.

Add Elements

Use the Add Element button in either of the regions to create additional elements. The Add Element button opens a new window where you can select multiple elements and an effective date. The effective date defaults to the effective date at the top of the summary page, and the payroll field defaults to the active payroll. You can enter a different effective date and payroll if required.

You can also enter the assignment, element name and classification, make the element an overridden entry, add a reason and enter costing information if required.

You can select multiple elements when creating rather than creating one at a time. You can also use a saved search for grouping elements to enter.