Update TRU for a Worker in Mexico

When a worker moves to a new legal employer, they may also require a new TRU. In this scenario, the global transfer process creates a new assignment, which can be associated to the new TRU.

In other circumstances, you need to update the TRU of a worker although they still retain their legal employer (and payroll statutory unit). For example, when the worker moves to another department within your organization. In this type of scenario, you can either update the TRU on the worker's original assignment or create a new assignment.


Vision Corporation operates supermarket and hardware stores in a Mexican city.

  • Vision Corporation is a single legal entity responsible for employing and paying workers across all their stores.

  • The supermarket and hardware stores are classified differently for tax and social insurance reporting purposes. Vision Corporation therefore has two TRU's: Vision Supermarket and Vision Hardware.

Rosa has worked at the supermarket store for several years, and has now secured a manager role at her local hardware store. With this promotion, update Rosa's TRU from Vision Supermarket to Vision Hardware.

You must note that Rosa transfers to the hardware store payroll on 10-May-2020. She will continue to be paid on a semi-monthly payroll.

Transfer TRU - New Assignment

  • You start by terminating Rosa's original assignment on 09-May-2020. This will evoke standard payroll termination processing including the ending of element entries.

  • Then create a new assignment effective 10-May-2020 and associate it with Vision Hardware.

  • Enter her earnings and deductions as required.

  • Run the semi-monthly payroll for the period ending 15-May-2020.

  • The application performs two payroll calculations:

    1. Original Assignment: Earnings for the period 01-May-2020 to 09-May-2020 has social security calculated and reported against Vision Supermarkets.

    2. New Assignment: Earnings for the period 10-May-2020 to 15-May-2020 are reported against Vision Hardware.

Transfer TRU - Retain Assignment

  • Navigate to Rosa's Employee Tax Card. Set the effective date to 10-May-2020 and edit the Associations component.

  • Enter 10-May-2020 as the date when this change starts.

  • Select Vision Hardware from the list of tax reporting units.

  • Update her earnings and deductions as required.

  • Run the semi-monthly payroll for the period ending 15-May-2020.

    All of Rosa's earnings for the payroll period 01-May-2020 to 15-May-2020 are taxed and reported against Vision Hardware. This is the active TRU on the process date of the payroll run.