Generate Cheque Payments for Bahrain

The global Generate Cheque Payments process generates an XML output.

This XML output will contain the data that is to be printed on the cheque template.

Bahrain localization has predefined a Rich Text Format (RTF) template in BIP that generates a printout from the XML. The Generate Cheque Payments report has a predefined structure for BH and consists of two sections:

  • Employee Name
  • Cheque Date
  • Cheque Number
  • Net pay in numbers and letters.
The second section consists of:
  • Payroll Relationship Number
  • Employee Name
  • Employee Organization Name
  • Organization Location
  • Job Title
  • List of earnings elements and amounts
  • List of deductions elements and amounts
  • Total amount to be paid
Note: All earnings with classification Standard Earnings, Direct Earnings, Supplemental Earnings templates are displayed under Earning region, and all the deductions with classifications Voluntary and Involuntary deductions are displayed under deductions region.
  1. Select the Submit a Flow task in the Flow Submission and Results work area.
  2. Select the LDG for which the process is to be run and flow pattern Generate Check Payments.
  3. Enter the parameters to run the report.
  4. Click Submit
  5. Select the generated file and view the output.