Payroll Reports and Analytics

Global Payroll provides various reports and extracts to meet all of your reporting requirements. As a Payroll Manager, review and validate the payroll information before you run any payroll process or reports.

You must also review and verify the payroll run results before generating the payments or initiating any other related downstream processing.

A flow pattern exists for each extract or report process. Flow patterns for extracts and reports typically contain a single flow task and they define the submission parameters. The predefined flow tasks are automatically available for you to use. You can either run them as a standalone task or include them in a flow pattern.

Payroll reports can be broadly classified under these categories.

  • Payroll Calculation and Balancing, such as the Gross-to-Net Report, used to review and verify payroll calculations and payroll run results.

  • Payroll Payment and Cost Distribution, such as the Payment Register, used to review and verify payment calculations and payment and cost distributions.

  • Data Validation and Audit, such as the Payroll Data Validation Report, used to verify payroll information prior to running payroll processes and statutory reports.

You also have country-specific reports to meet specific legislative and statutory reporting requirements.

You can access these reports from the Submit a Flow page. To open this page, navigate to Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page and click Submit a Flow under the Flow Submission and Results section.