Additional Balance Feeds

A number of balances are generated automatically by the element template.

Some of those balances are fed by classifications or secondary classifications:
Balance Usage Suggested Feed
<Base Name> Final Pensionable Pay Information (only if Scheme category is Teachers’ Pension Scheme - Final Salary). All pensionable earnings elements that are applicable under the rules of the scheme.
<Base Name> Permanent Pensionable Pay Basis for calculating contributions under current scheme rules. Used in reports and to determine the tier for regular employees.

Pensionable earnings elements that are applicable under the rules of the scheme and that will be used to determine the employee’s contribution tier.


  • Retroactive earnings.
  • Overtime and additional hours elements
  • Absence payment and deductions
  • Earnings elements that are used to pay supply teachers
<Base Name> Assumed Pensionable Pay Basis for calculating contributions for employees on reduced pay sickness or maternity absences (but still in pensionable service). All pensionable earnings elements that apply during a period of assumed pay. Excludes any that do not apply during assumed pay absence.

See: Overview of Retroactive Processing for configuring retroactive earnings elements for use with permanent pensionable pay and assumed pensionable pay.

These balances are predefined:

Balance Usage Suggested Feed
Additional Pension Payments TPS Used to report additional pensionable earnings (Out of School Learning Activities (OSLA) and contractual bonuses) in the Additional Pensionable Earnings data item (29) OSLA and contractual bonus earnings elements.
Additional Pension Payments TPS Retroactive Used to report additional pensionable earnings (Out of School Learning Activities (OSLA) and contractual bonuses) paid in arrears Retroactive OSLA and contractual bonus earnings elements.
KIT and SPLIT Days Pensionable Earnings TPS Used to calculate pension contribution for a KIT or SPLIT day worked during a period of unpaid maternity leave KIT and SPLIT Day earnings elements.
Non-Pensionable Absence Payment TPS Used to reduce an employee’s eligible compensation to exclude any non-pensionable sickness pay received during the period

Input value from Information element (into which l_Unpaid_Value is returned).

See Note 1 below.

Non-Pensionable Overtime TPS Used for any non-pensionable Overtime that needs to be reported in the field 28 Non-pensionable overtime elements.
Non-Pensionable Overtime TPS Retroactive Used when paying any Non-Pensionable Overtime claims in arrears Retroactive non-pensionable overtime elements.
Part-Time Irregular Earnings TPS Used only to report the part-time earnings for a supply teacher who has opted out of the scheme. Pensionable earnings elements used to pay supply teachers and that would contribute to their part-time earnings (and therefore Eligible Compensation) if they were still enrolled in the scheme.
Part-Time Irregular Earnings TPS Retroactive Used only to report part-time earnings for a supply teacher who has opted out of the scheme and whose part-time earnings were paid in arrears. Retroactive pensionable earnings elements used to pay supply teachers and that would contribute to their part-time earnings (and therefore Eligible Compensation) if they were still enrolled in the scheme.
Pensionable Additional Hours TPS Contributes to actual pensionable pay and part-time earnings for part-time teachers on a regular contract.

Pensionable earnings elements for additional hours worked by part-time teachers in addition to their contracted hours.

Do not feed with overtime elements that are reported in the Overtime data items.

Pensionable Additional Hours TPS Retroactive Contributes to actual pensionable pay and part-time earnings for part-time teachers on a regular contract whose additional hours were paid in arrears.

Retroactive pensionable earnings elements for additional hours worked by part-time teachers in addition to their contracted hours.

Do not feed with retroactive overtime elements that are reported in the Overtime data items.

Pensionable Overtime TPS Used when overtime elements need to be excluded in the calculation of a member contribution tier. Contributes to the Overtime data item (28) and (34) Pensionable overtime elements.
Pensionable Overtime TPS Retroactive Used when paying overtime claims in arrears. Overtime needs to be excluded in the calculation of a member contribution tier Retroactive pensionable overtime elements.
TPS Earnings Retroactive Used when paying pensionable pay in arrears. The arrears will be excluded when calculating the member contribution tier if the pay increase is due to a backdated pay award.

Retroactive earnings elements for the elements that contribute to permanent pensionable pay.

Retroactive pensionable earnings elements used to pay supply teachers.

See Note 2, below.

  • The formula changes required to return the l_unpaid_value for non-pensionable periods of absence are described in the Multiple Assignments and Absences for more nformation.

  • Feed the TPS Earnings Retroactive balance with any retroactive earnings elements used to pay supply teachers, but don’t feed the <Element Name> Permanent Pensionable Pay balance with their equivalent main elements; that balance is not used for supply teachers. The retroactive earnings element related to the supply teacher’s pay will be used to calculate the appropriate pay.