Configure Unit by Rate Allowances

Rather than the element template creating information balances to hold the results for overtime, out of school learning activity or contractual bonus information balances are delivered.

Users need to ensure that the correct elements feed these balances:

  • Non-Pensionable Overtime TPS, for any non-pensionable overtime that need to be reported in the MCR report.
  • Pensionable Overtime TPS, for overtime elements
  • Additional Pension Payments TPS, for out of school learning activity or contractual bonus.
  • Pensionable Additional Hours TPS for additional hours worked under the same contract on the same job role for part-time teachers in regular contracts.

Overtime hours can be entered on a timecard and so the hours, and amounts to be paid, could be derived based on dates entered on the calculation card.

Updates to the MCR can include late time sheets for hours only claims (supply teachers) or overtime.

The following are time card guidelines supplied on Customer Connect.

Most time card applications and providers apply validation rules when employees submit their time cards. Typically, you import time entries to payroll by submitting the Load Time Card Batches process. The process validates that the persons in the batch are eligible for the time card elements, and rejects records for terminated employees. Aspects of working with time card entries include:

  • Validating time card entries
  • Importing time for terminated employees
  • Resolving transfer errors
  • Viewing time card entries
  • Viewing costing overrides
  • Correcting time card entries

Submitting the Load Time Card Batches process creates or updates a time calculation card for each person included in the batch. Use the Calculation Cards task in the Payroll Calculation work area to view time card entries. There's only one time calculation card for each payroll relationship. The card includes time entries for multiple assignments for the same payroll relationship. It displays the employee's time entries for the effective-as-of-date specified on the search.

Any updates and corrections must occur in the application used to report time. You can continue to import new and updated time entries to payroll until you calculate the payroll for the period that includes the time entries.

If you import a late time card after the payroll is run for that payroll period, you can still process that time entry.

Use one of the methods shown in this table.

Method Action
Pay the time card entries in the next payroll period as retroactive pay Submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process in the Payroll Calculation work area.

The process creates retroactive element entries for each element that has a retroactive change. If the imported time card entry includes a rate change, the element's formula recalculates the amount.

Process QuickPay Roll back the records processed for the employees from the payroll run.

Submit the Calculate QuickPay process from the Payroll Calculation work area.

Process employees in a separate payroll run Roll back the records processed for the employees from the payroll run. Create a payroll relationship group that includes these employees and process a payroll run for the time card entries.

Overtime Element

If you are not using OTL or HCM Data Loader, you can set up an element as follows:

Create a Unit by Rate Element for Use with Element Entries

If you are using element entries to record overtime, create a Regular Earnings element as described here.

  1. Use the Elements task to create your element and element eligibility. Click Create.
  2. Enter the details as shown:

    Unit by Rate Earnings Element

    FIELD or question VALUE
    Primary Classification Regular Earnings
    Category Standard
    Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it? No
    Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry? Nonrecurring
    What is the calculation rule? Hours * Rate
    Is this element subject to retroactive changes? Yes, then select the salary retro group

Create Input Values for the Earnings Element

Create input values for the nonrecurring element. To be able to register a date worked and report the element within the relevant month and rate, create a new input value, Date Worked.

Enter the details as shown:

Date Worked Input Value

Name Date Worked
Display Sequence 50
Unit of Measure Date
Displayed Yes
Allow User Entry Yes
Create Database Item Yes
Note: We recommend that you always create a Date Worked input value for all your unit by rate earnings elements to ensure calculating and reporting in the correct service period. You must create the input value with the name Date Worked. You must not rename an existing input value as its base name will not be identifiable in the application (and you can’t change the base name once the input value is created).

Create a Unit by Rate Element – OTL or HCM Data Loader

If you are using OTL or HCM Data Loader, create a nonrecurring element with the category of Time Card and enter the details as shown:

Unit by Rate Element

FIELD or Question VALUE
Primary Classification Regular Earnings
Category Time card
What are the calculation units for reporting? Hours, Days, or Other Units
Work Units Conversion Rules Standard Rate Annualized
Does this element have a default rate definition? Yes
Rate Name The rate previously created.

Out of School Learning Activities (OSLA) Element

If you are using element entries to record OSLA, create a Regular Earnings element as described here.

Create a Unit by Rate Element for Use with Element Entries

If you are using element entries to record OSLA, create a Regular Earnings element as described here.

  1. Use the Elements task to create your element and element eligibility. Click Create.
  2. Enter the details as shown:

    Unit by Rate Earnings Element

    Field or Question Value
    Primary Classification Regular Earnings
    Category Standard
    Should every person eligible for the element automatically receive it? No
    Does this element recur each payroll period, or does it require explicit entry? Nonrecurring
    What is the calculation rule? Either Hours * Rate or Days * Rate

    You will select the unit for this element (hours, sessions) in a reconfigured Units input value and the calculation will be based on the unit selected.

    Is this element subject to retroactive changes? Yes, then select the salary retro group

Modify and Create Input Values for the Earnings Element

Modify and create input values for the non-recurring element. If you want to use different units, such as days, hours or session, do the following:

  1. Using the Elements task, search for the nonrecurring earnings element.
  2. Select Input Values.
  3. Select the input value Unit Type.
  4. Enter the details as shown:
    Name Unit Type
    Displayed Yes
    Allow User Entry Yes
    Create Database Item Yes
    Default Value Blank
  5. To change the input value Days to Units, enter the details as shown:
    Name Units (renamed from Days)
    Displayed Yes
    Allow User Entry Yes
    Create Database Item Yes
  6. To be able to register a date worked and report the element within the relevant month and rate, create a new input value, Date Worked. Enter the details as shown:
    Name Date Worked
    Display Sequence 50
    Unit of Measure Date
    Displayed Yes
    Allow User Entry Yes
    Create Database Item Yes
    Note: You must create the Date Worked input value with the name Date Worked. You must not rename an existing input value as its base name will not be identifiable in the application (and you can’t change the base name once the input value is created).

Create a Calculation Factor for the Earnings Element

Add a rate amount calculation factor to the nonrecurring earnings element created previously.

  1. Using the Elements task, search for the nonrecurring earnings element.
  2. Select Calculation Factors.
  3. In the Calculation Step field, search for ORA_RATE_AMOUNT to select the Rate Amount.
  4. Select the calculation value definition created previously with the information element.

Edit the Earnings Formula for the Earnings Element

Using the Fast Formulas task, edit the earnings formula as shown in the attached file SUPPLY_TEACHER_UNIT_BY_RATE_EARN.txt.

Edit Earnings Element Status Processing Rule

  1. Using the Elements task, search for the nonrecurring earnings element.
  2. Select Status Processing Rules.
  3. Review the list of formula result rules. Retain the l_value and mesg rules and remove all other rules.
  4. Add “L_RATE” result rule as shown:
    Result Returned L_RATE
    Result Rule Direct Result
    Target Input Value Rate
    Unit of Measure Number

Create a Unit by Rate Element – OTL or HCM Data Loader

If you are using OTL or HCM Data Loader, create a nonrecurring element with the category of Time Card and enter the details as shown:

Unit by Rate Element

Primary Classification Regular Earnings
Category Time card
What are the calculation units for reporting? Hours
Work Units Conversion Rules Standard Rate Annualized
Does this element have a default rate definition? Yes
Rate Name The rate previously created.

KIT and SPLIT Day Elements

Using Absence Management, you can record KIT days against a maternity or adoption absence by adding KIT Days Certification. The dates are recorded in Comments. Working a KIT or SPLIT Day does not stop any statutory payments due to the employee; statutory payments stop only if the number of KIT days exceeds the legislative maximum of KIT days. Use the Exceeded Number of KIT Days certification. The payment of KIT days is not managed using Absence Management.

For payroll processing and MCR reporting purposes, you can configure KIT or SPLIT Days using any of the following:

  • Earnings elements and element entries
  • OTL Time cards or third-party time management system
  • HCM Data Loader

If you record KIT and SPLIT days on a time card, the days and amounts to be paid are determined by the dates entered on the time card.

If you are not using OTL or HCM Data Loader, configure the element following the instructions for creating a Unit by Rate element, noting the following:

  • You must identify the earnings element as a KIT or SPLIT Day using the SPLIT or KIT Days Type field in the element-level TPS Information EFF context.
You must create one element entry for each KIT or SPLIT day worked (using the Date Worked input value). This applies even if the employee works multiple consecutive KIT or SPLIT days and is to ensure correct reporting.
Note: You must create the Date Worked input value with the name Date Worked. You must not rename an existing input value as its base name will not be identifiable in the application (and you can’t change the base name once the input value is created).
  • The KIT or SPLIT day earnings, representing pensionable pay, must be included in the employee's Actual Pensionable Pay to be used correctly in the calculation basis and for reporting. Actual pensionable pay is based on the Eligible Compensation balance and run results in case of split periods.

The KIT or SPLIT day earnings elements must feed the following balances:

  • <Pension Scheme> Eligible Compensation
  • TPS Earnings Retroactive (corresponding retroactive element for the main earnings element)
  • KIT and SPLIT Days Pensionable Earnings TPS (main element only)

It is a prerequisite that the dimension Assignment Period to Date (_CORE_ASG_PTD) is added to the balance <Main Pension> Eligible Compensation if it does not already exist.

Create an Element Entry for a KIT or SPLIT Day

You must create the employee’s element entries on a daily basis (date worked) for reporting purposes.

  1. Use the Element Entries task to select the KIT or SPLIT day earnings element.
  2. Enter a rate if required. If rate is entered in the element entry, this rate will be used to calculate the pay value. If the rate is blank, the predefined daily rate = 1/195 of annual salary.
  3. Enter a date worked in the Date Worked input value.

Retrospective Processing and Reporting of Overtime and Additional Payments

To accurately report pensionable and non-pensionable overtime, OSLA and contractual bonuses, ensure that the appropriate earnings elements feed the delivered Pensionable Overtime TPS, Non-Pensionable Overtime TPS, and Additional Pension Payments TPS balances respectively. Retroactive overtime, OSLA or bonus elements must feed the corresponding Pensionable Overtime TPS Retroactive, Non-Pensionable Overtime TPS Retroactive, and Additional Pension Payments TPS Retroactive balances.