Overview of Actual Pensionable Pay

Actual pensionable pay relates to the amount paid to the member for the period of service, excluding overtime.

Actual pensionable pay (data item 33), paid to the member for the period of service the row of data relates to, includes the actual gross pensionable salary and any additional pensionable payments paid in the pay period, but excludes overtime. Where multiple rows are required for the same period, the actual pensionable pay is split across each row.

The actual pensionable pay amount reported also depends on the calculation method applied to the row of data.

The pensionable earnings balance (represented in the <Main Pension> Eligible Compensation balance) and run results are used to report the actual pensionable pay amount (excluding overtime).

  • If there is no split in the period, then the full pensionable earnings are reported using the <Main Pension> Eligible Compensation balance.
  • If there is a split in the period (for example, mid-month contract or salary changes or enrolments), run results are used.