Set Up Absences

You need to set up absence plans and types to generate proper calculations.

Absence Type Setup

You must associate absence types that have an assumed pay implication with one of the following predefined legislative grouping codes to trigger the assumed pay calculation:

  • UK Sickness
  • UK Maternity
  • UK Adoption
  • UK Paternity Adoption
  • UK Paternity Birth
  • UK Shared Parental Leave Adoption
  • UK Shared Parental Leave Birth

Configure your unpaid absences using the following legislative grouping codes:

  • UK Break in Service – use this for career breaks and sabbaticals
  • UK Special Unpaid Leave
  • UK Unauthorised Unpaid Absence
  • UK Unpaid Industrial Action – use this for strike days
  • UK Unpaid Leave

Absence Plan Setup

Only one occupational sickness or family-related absence plan can be effective for an assignment at any given point in time. If multiple occupational plans apply, for example, as a means of offsetting maternity absence payments, it’s not possible to determine which plan to use in the MCR calculation; the calculation and MCR report may therefore be incorrect. This restriction applies whether the employee has one or multiple assignments. When multiple assignments exist, each assignment can have its own occupational plan, or multiple assignments can share the same occupational plan.

Absence Element Setup

You must configure your absences using standard absence, not earnings, elements.

When you create your absence elements, you must select “Select rate to determine absence deduction amount” in answer to the “How do you want to reduce earnings for employees not requiring a time card” question, then select the appropriate rate definition.