Define Payroll Elements for Processing Absences for the US

To calculate and process absence payments, you need to define Absence elements.

Defining an Absence element involves:

  1. Defining the element

  2. Completing the absence detail questions

  3. Completing the accrual liability and balance payment questions

  4. Completing the absence payment questions

  5. Submitting the element

  6. Defining element eligibility records and cost distributions

For further info, see Define Absence Elements for the US in the Help Center.

Define an Absence Element

Use the Elements task. Select the Absence primary classification and one of these secondary classifications.

  • Maternity

  • Sickness

  • Vacation

  • Other

Complete the Absence Detail Questions

The questions in Absence Details of the element template help determine the more detailed questions it asks later.

  1. Enter the calculation units to use when reporting the absence, such as on the payslip and statement of earnings.

    Typically, select Days or Hours for reports that correspond to the units for your absence plan.

  2. Select the work units conversion rule to calculate the absence rate.

  3. Select the absence info to transfer to payroll based on the type of absence management plan.

    This type of plan

    Transfers this kind of info


    Accrual Balances

    Accrual, Leave Donation, Compensatory

    Accrual Balances and Absences


    Qualification Absences

    No Entitlement

    No Entitlement Absences

Complete the Accrual Liability and Balance Payment Questions

If you're going to transfer accrual balances, complete these questions.



Calculate absence liability?

  1. Select Yes if you calculate liability.

  2. Select a liability rate.

    Leave blank if the liability rate is the same as the absence payment rate.

    Usually the rate is the same as the absence payment rate. You might select a different rate when estimating liability for billing purposes.

Does this plan enable balance payments when enrollment ends?

  1. Select Yes to configure a final disbursement element and to maintain balances for the disbursement hours and payments.

  2. Optionally, select a rate to use for the calculation.

  3. Select the tax method to use for the final disbursement.

Does this plan enable partial payment of balance?

  1. Select Yes to configure a discretionary disbursement element and to maintain balances for disbursement hours and payments.

  2. Optionally, select a rate to use for the calculation.

  3. Select the tax method to use for the discretionary disbursement.

Complete the Absence Payment Questions

Answer these questions on how you want to handle the absence payments.

  1. Select a method to reduce regular earnings if:

    • Employees don't complete a time card

    • You don't use time card entries as a basis for calculating pay

    Value name

    What it does

    Reduce regular earnings by absence payment

    Reduces regular earnings by the absence payment. The employee is paid the same gross amount as their regular salary.

    Select rate to determine absence deduction amount

    Identifies when the employee isn't due to be paid for the absence at the same rate as their regular earnings. In this case, the regular earning is reduced by 100% of the regular earnings. However, the absence payment rate would be a different rate, such as 50%.

  2. Select the tax method to use for the absence payment.

  3. Optionally, select a rate to calculate the absence payment.

If you have standard earnings and absence elements in the same payroll run that reduce regular earnings, the payroll calculation reduces earnings in this sequence.

  1. Using absence element entries

  2. Using any standard earnings elements that reduce regular earnings

The salary balance isn't reduced beyond 0.

Submit the Element

When you're finished with the questions, you submit the element. The template automatically configures a base pay element, balances, formulas, and calculation components.

It also configures indirect elements, depending on the options selected in the template to transfer absence info.

When transferring this info

For these options

It creates these indirect elements

Accrual Balances

  • Discretionary Disbursements

  • Final Disbursements

  • Accrual

  • Discretionary Disbursement

  • Final Disbursement

Accrual Balances and Absences

  • Discretionary Disbursements

  • Final Disbursements

  • Accrual

  • Entitlement

  • Discretionary Disbursement

  • Final Disbursement

Qualification Absences



No Entitlement Absences



Define Element Eligibility Records and Cost Distributions

Define element eligibility records for all the elements generated by the template, such as for your accrual, entitlement, discretionary and final disbursement elements.

If your enterprise calculates cost distributions, provide costing info for all the element eligibility records.

For example, for an accrual element:

  1. Define element eligibility records for the accrual, accrual results, accrual retroactive, and accrual retroactive results elements.

  2. Specify costing for the accrual results and retroactive results elements.

The costing process costs the change in the liability balance since the last payroll period, debits the expense account, and credits the liability account.