Car and Car Fuel

A car allocation can span over tax years. The component you set up for Car and Car Fuel is for the relevant tax year.

The effective start date of the component is the date the employee takes possession of the car. The calculated taxable amount is either annual for P11D reporting, or periodic if processed through payroll.

The information entered for this component is used for the P46 (Car) Reporting process, where the benefit is not set up for processing by payroll.

Note: For more information, see P11D & P46 (Car) Reporting (Document ID 2393233.1) on My Oracle Support.

You need to enter all required the information in Car and Car Fuel component. When you add this component, these three component details are created:

  • Basic car details
  • Car processing details
  • Fuel processing details

You need to set up Basic Car Details and Car Processing Details for each car provided in the tax year to calculate this benefit. You can optionally set up the Fuel Processing Details if a fuel benefit is provided to the employee.

You need to set up basic car details for each car provided in the tax year.

Basic Car Details Component

Field Description
Make Make of the car.
Model Model of the car.
Date First Registered Registration date of the car.
Available from Date This is the date from when the benefit needs to be processed in the payroll.
Available to Date Enter the date to which benefit needs to be processed in payroll. After this date the processing of the benefit will stop and the appropriate proration will take place to ensure correct taxable value is calculated.
List Price Price of the car.
Approved CO2 Emissions Conditionally, this is required where Zero Emission Mileage is entered.
Car Fuel or Power Type Select a relevant value.
Engine Size Mutually exclusive with rotary engine.
Rotary Engine Mutually exclusive with engine size.
Zero Emission Mileage This is required if approved CO2 emissions are below 50 grams.

Car Processing Details Component

Field Description
Reporting or Processing

Complete this field only if the option at the organization level is set to payroll processing, but the benefit will now be reported on P11D.

If you've set it to P11D Reporting, you can't change it back to payroll processing for the remaining periods of the tax year.

If you need to set it to P11D reporting, you need end date the processing component and the related child components. Create a component with the effective date from when the P11D reporting is required. Ensure that the values on this new component don't include the amounts taxed through payroll.
Price of All Accessories

Enter a value between 0 to 99999999. This is the total value of all the accessories added to the car.

Capital Contribution Made by Employee

Enter a value between 0 to 99999999. This is the total amount of contribution made by the employee towards the car.

Payment Made for Private Use Enter a value between 0 to 99999999.
Amount Foregone

Enter a value between 0 to 99999999. Enter the amount that the employee has foregone for this benefit.

For more details, see OpRa Rules.
Cash Equivalent or Relevant Amount for Car

Enter a value between 0 to 99999999. This is used for P11D reporting if you need to override the taxable amount calculated by the payroll process.

You can use this if some time during the year, the car benefit is no longer processed through payroll and you need to report the remainder of the benefit amount on P11D.
Registered on FPS

Date when it was first reported on FPS. This is used internally when FPS is submitted with details of this car.

Fuel Benefit Provided

If you select this option, the fuel benefit information on worksheets will not be used for output. You need to select this if Fuel Processing Details component values are present.

P46(Car) Contributes to Fuel Cost Used for reporting on P46(Car).

Fuel Processing Details Field

Field Description
Date Fuel Provision Withdrawn Enter a date within the date range of the current tax year.
Additional Days After Withdrawal

Enter the number of days between 0 to 365 (or 366 for a leap year).

The total days in the tax year must be entered if benefit is reported on P11D reporting.

For processing through payroll, you can enter the number of days as required. You can either create several child component details for each instance of additional days, or increment the number days in the existing component details with the total for the tax year.
Fuel Provision Reinstated This will only be required if there is a date provided for Fuel Provision Withdrawn.
Amount Foregone for Fuel

Enter a value between 0 to 99999999. Enter the amount that the employee has foregone for this benefit.

Cash Equivalent Override Amount for Fuel

Enter a value between 0 to 99999999. Enter a value to override the cash equivalent that's calculated by the application. This amount is used as fuel benefit value to be reported on P11D, or if processed through payroll and added to the taxable pay.

Period of Unavailability Car

This is an additional component available for Car and Car Fuel. If there are any periods when the car was not available during the tax year, you can enter the information on this component details.

Any initial period of unavailability is derived automatically. For example, if the benefit component effective start date is some time during the year and not at the beginning, the days of unavailability is automatically calculated as effective start date minus the start of tax year date, that is 6 April for the payroll process. Any further periods of unavailability entered on the Periods of Unavailability component details is added to derive the total number of days unavailable in the tax year so far.

Period of Unavailability Car

Field Description
Additional Number of Days of Unavailability Enter the number of days between 0 to 365 (or 366 for a leap year). The total days unavailable in the tax year must be entered, if benefit is reported on P11D reporting.

If processing through payroll, you can create a new child component for each new occurrence of days of unavailability, as required. Alternatively, create one component and replace the number of days with the incremented total so far for the tax year.

Note: Multiple component details for periods of unavailability can exist for a car in a tax year.

For P11D reporting, you need one Period of Unavailability component detail where any additional number of days during the year can be entered as a total to be added to any initial periods of unavailability.