Migrating Automatic Re-Enrolment Date

You need to enter a date for the automatic re-enrolment within a 6-month period of the 3 months prior to the anniversary date. The anniversary date for the first time is Staging Date and subsequently the previous re-enrolment date.

This means that if you want to keep your legacy staging date, you will need to capture a record for each re-enrolment date you've had in the past because your latest re-enrolment date will be validated against the previous re-enrolment date.

For example, if your staging date is 31 Mar 2013, then to capture a new re-enrolment date in 2025 you will have to update the re-enrolment date for every 3-year anniversary. The table below illustrates how these dates are validated:
Effective Start Date Staging Date Automatic Re-Enrolment Date
01 Apr 2013 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2016
01 Apr 2016 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2019
01 Apr 2019 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2022
01 Apr 2022 31 Mar 2013 31 Mar 2025