Pensions Assessor Multiple Updates

The Pension Assessor Multiple Updates task uses the run results from the Payroll Assessment Run task to update the employee’s Pension Assessment component.

It also performs membership changes to qualifying scheme as described here:

  1. The Pensions Automatic Enrolment process task (using the assessor formula) performs all the calculations. It stores the results in the payroll run results table for each processed Pensions Automatic Enrolment component.
  2. It further processes those run results, and amends the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component details to insert or remove the Pension Deduction component, based on the run result values.
  3. After processing each Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessor component based on the run result values, it marks them as Processed. This is done by updating the employee’s Pensions Automatic Enrolment Assessor flexfield component with the Flow Instance ID, and run result value of assessment date as last assessment date run result value.
    Note: This process will update the Pensions Automatic Enrolment component with the Last Assessment Date as the Date Effective Update date, with the DE_PROPAGATE_FORWARD_DIRECTION option. This means that all future date effective records are also updated with the revised value.
  4. Finally, the processed Pensions Automatic Enrolment assessor component information is displayed on the pension archive reports.