Pensions Automatic Enrolment Audit Reports

The Pensions Automatic Enrolment audit reports displays all the changes that occurred during the most recent Pensions Automatic Enrolment process. It includes a section for each type of action performed by the process.

Each section lists all employees for whom the action was taken and provides details, such as the employee's age, classification, scheme name, and date the action was taken.

The Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment task generates these audit reports:

  • Enrolment Report

  • Re-Enrolment Report

How to View Audit Reports

To view the employer report after the process has completed:

  1. Click Go to Task on the process checklist for the Run Pensions Automatic Enrolment Report task.

  2. On the Statutory Reports page, select the Processes and Reports tab and then click the icon in the View Results column.

  3. The View results window displays the audit reports that are generated. Select the relevant audit report.

Enrolment Report

The Enrolment report is divided into nine sections along with the employee's name and additional details. The report displays the type of enrolment as described in this table:

Type of Enrolment


Automatically Enrolled

Employees who became Eligible Jobholders during the current assessment with no postponement activated.

Manually Enrolled

Employees who belong to a scheme which wasn't done through the Pensions Automatic Enrolment process.


Employees who have decided to opt into a qualifying pension scheme.


Employees who have decided to opt out of a qualifying pension scheme.

Left Scheme

Employees who leave a scheme and their date of leaving.

Worker Postponement

Employees who got worker postponement within current assessment, the postponement rule in place, and the end date for the postponement.

Eligible Jobholder Postponement

The postponement rule and end date for the employees who started Eligible Jobholder Postponement within the current assessment period.

Defined Benefit or Hybrid Scheme Postponement

The postponement rule and end date for the employees who started a Defined Benefit or Hybrid Scheme Postponement within the current assessment period.

Employees not Automatically Enrolled

Employees who had a classification change but not fallen within any of the other sections. It displays the employees' classifications along with their assessable earnings and notification letter.

Re-Enrolment Report

The Re-Enrolment report displays employees that were either automatically re-enrolled or weren't eligible for re-enrolment. The report displays this information along with the employee names and additional details:

Type of Enrolment


Automatically Re-Enrolled

Employees who were assessed and automatically re-enrolled into a qualifying pension scheme in this period.

Not Automatically Re-Enrolled

Employees who were assessed but weren't eligible for re-enrolment in this period and the associated reason.