Retrieve Data from HMRC for Student or Postgraduate Loans

You can import both SL1 or PGL1 start notice and SL2 or PGL2 stop notice messages from HMRC into the payroll application.

Before you start this process, consider these points:
  • The employees must have a Statutory Deductions card, with associations to the TRU and assignment.
  • The Student Loan element must be created within your Legislative Data Group. The application uses these validation rules to process start notice.
  • If a student loan or postgraduate loan exists, you can update it provided there are no future changes to the record, and there are no date effective updates with a later issue date.
  • While receiving a start notice after a stop notice, the Eligibility for Repayment of Teachers Loans field is set back to No. Otherwise, it is set to Yes.
  • If no student loan exist, then one will be created (including the calculation card, Court Order Information component, Student Loan component, details, and association).
  • If no postgraduate loan exists, then one will be created (including the calculation card, Court Order Information component, Student Loan component, details, and association).
    Note: If part of the data exists (for example, the calculation card but not the component), the process creates the remaining data.
The application uses these validation rules to process stop notice:
  • There must be an existing start notice.
  • The student loan or postgraduate loan can be stopped provided there are no future changes to the record and there are no date effective updates with a later issue date.
To fetch Student Loan or Postgraduate messages, use the flow HMRC Data Retrieval Process:
  1. Select Submit a Process or Report in the Payroll work area to run these reports.
  2. Specify a UK legislative data group (LDG).
  3. Enter all the required parameters. Select the appropriate file type for student or postgraduate loan:
    • Postgraduate loan start notice
    • Postgraduate loan stop notice
    • Student loan start notice
    • Student loan stop notice
  4. Click Submit.