Set Up Pensions Automatic Enrolment

To facilitate assessment and enrolment, you must set up elements for the qualifying schemes and define organization-level default values used by the process.

Here are the key setup tasks:

  • Set up elements for qualifying pension schemes

  • Define eligibility for qualifying pension scheme and pensions automatic enrolment elements

  • Select the level of pension element

  • Identify assessable and pensionable earnings

  • Define organization level default values

  • Provide person information required by the process

Provide Person Information Required by the Assessment Process

To assess and automatically enrol a worker in a qualifying pension scheme, the process requires this employee information:

  • Date of birth (retrieved from Person Management record)

  • Earnings amounts (retrieved from payroll earnings element entries for the payroll reference period (PRP))

  • Pensions Automatic Enrolment calculation card (created automatically by the new hire process)

Verify that the values captured on the calculation card are correct for each employee. If a Pensions Automatic Enrolment component is associated with multiple assignments for different payrolls, you must specify the payroll to use when assessing earnings. You can do so in the Payroll for Pay Reference Period field on the Pensions Automatic Enrolment card (Calculation Cards task).