Student and Postgraduate Loan Data During Global Transfer

The global transfer process copies student and postgraduate loan data while transferring one or more employees to legal employer that involves a change in the TRU.

Note: You must ensure that the Court Order and Student Loan calculation card exists and is active prior to the global transfer date.

Here are the values that are copied from the source calculation card for involuntary deductions to the new calculation card:

Data Copied During Global Transfer

Loan Data Copied During Global Transfer
Student Loan Plan Type
Student Loan Deduction Start Date
Start Notice Date of Issue SL1
Student Loan Deduction Stop Date
Stop Notice Date of Issue SL2
Eligibility for repayment of teachers loans
Last Update Process Sequence
Override Amount
Postgraduate Loan Postgraduate Loan Deduction Start Date
Start Notice Date of Issue PGL1
Postgraduate Loan Deduction Stop Date
Stop Notice Date of Issue PGL2
Last Update Process Sequence
Override Amount

If the employee’s legal employer is changed within the same TRU, no change is required related to Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card because Student Loans and Post Graduate Loans components apply to all an employee’s assignments.

Future dated records from the original calculation card and components are also copied to the new calculation card. However, if the new TRU already has a calculation card for this employee (either at transfer date, or in the future), no new calculation card is created on the new TRU for the employee.

Any created court order calculation card on the new TRU will have a start date as of the global transfer date. However, any new components will match the start date of the original component start date. If the component’s start date is earlier than the global transfer date, the new student loan or postgraduate loan component’s start date will match the global transfer date.

Note: The application creates one student loan component, and one postgraduate loan component, on the new Court Orders and Student Loans calculation card for an employee.