Verify Full Payment Submission

You can verify the Full Payment Summary (FPS) report by checking the figures in the report against the figures in the Run Year to Date reconciliation report, Gross-to-Net Report, Element Result report, and the Payroll Register report.

Here's a table that displays that some of the balances that you can check and verify:
Full Payment Summary Reconciliation Report Run Year to Date Reconciliation Report Gross to Net Report Balance Name in Element Result Report Payroll Register Report
Taxable Pay YTD Taxable Pay Earnings – Pre-Statutory Deductions
Tax Paid YTD Tax Paid
Taxable Pay in Period Total Earnings 1
Net Pay Deductions PTD Total Voluntary Deductions
Student Loan PTD Student Loan
Tax Paid PTD Tax Deductions Total PAYE
NIable Pay YTD NI Category 1 Niable Pay
NIable Pay PTD Total Gross Pay1 Gross Earnings1
NI Category 1 LEL
NI Category 1 PT
NI Category 1 UAP
NI Category 1 UEL
NI Employer PTD NI Employer
NI Employer YTD NI Category 1 Employer Contributions
NI Employer PTD NI Employee Total NI
NI Employee YTD NI Category 1 Employee Contributions National Insurance Deductions
Pre-Tax Pensions PTD Entries under Pre-Statutory Deductions.2
Post-Tax Pensions PTD Entries under Voluntary Deductions.2
Ben. Taxed PTD3

The list of balances will depend on the items that are processed and require reporting to HMRC.

If any of the differences are greater than zero, you need check the reports and compare figures at employee level to see where the discrepancy is.

Note: Ensure that the Tax Reporting Unit field is populated.

You need to test the submission type and verify that the file reflects everything that needs to be submitted to HMRC. You must only run it in live submission mode type after that.