How Do I Create a User-Defined QuickPay Flow Pattern

This example demonstrates how to create a user-defined QuickPay flow to process the QuickPay for a person and generate the payslip and check payments.

Use the Payroll Flow Patterns quick action under Payroll from My Client Groups on your Home page, to create a QuickPay to Payslip flow and add these tasks to the flow.

  1. Calculate QuickPay

  2. Calculate Quickpay Prepayments

  3. Verify Payments

  4. Archive Periodic Payroll Results

  5. Generate Payslips

  6. View Payslips
  7. Generate Check Payments

Follow these steps to create a user-defined QuickPay flow pattern.

  1. Use the Payroll Flow Patterns quick action under Payroll from My Client Groups on your Home page.

  2. Click Add and select Continue.

  3. Enter these details on the Create Payroll Flow Pattern: Basic Information page.

    Fields for creating a QuickPay flow pattern

    Field Value
    Flow Pattern Enter a meaningful flow pattern name.
    LDG Required No
    Flow Status Active
    Connector Status Task Flow
    Flow Pattern Type QuickPay with Parameters

    Select QuickPay with Parameters as the Flow Pattern Type because the Generate Check Payments task requires the additional payment sources information which is not part of the QuickPay Submission page.

  4. Select Activities to Include. Select Payments and Payroll Calculation.

  5. Select the tasks sequentially, based on the order in which they should be run.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Select each task and define the owner and notifications.

    Note: Select the ‘Process After Error’ check box for the Generate Check Payments task so that the QuickPay flow is not stalled and it completes to generate the payments and the payslip.
  8. Click Next. Review the tasks sequence and make changes if required.

  9. Click Next. Select parameters that apply when submitting the flow. Set these two parameters as the key parameters for the flow:

    • Effective Date
    • Payroll Relationship
  10. Click Next. Specify the task parameter details. The application references the parameter basis when determining the parameter's default value.

  11. Click Next. Review the flow and use the Back button if you want to make changes to any of the previous sections.

  12. Click Submit and submit the flow.

After you submit the QuickPay successfully, you can see the employee's Statement of Earnings.